Sunday 18 March 2018


Q.1 Why are 1832 and 1859 important?
A.1. In 1832, the Reforms Act was passed heralding extension of democratic rights in England. In 1859, Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published heralding a new scientific era.
Q.2. What is the longest poem of Tennyson? What is the date of its publication?
A.2. In Memoriam, 1850 (the year of Wordsworth's death).
Q.3. Name the poem of Tennyson that handles the theme of 'the new woman'. Mention the date of its publication.
A.3. The Princess, 1847.
Q.4. Name Tennyson's poem which attempts a great theme that Milton abandoned. How was the poem published?
A.4. Idylls of the King; In 1859,1869, and 1889 Tennyson issued a series of Idylls of the King.
Q.5. Name some plays written by Lord Tennyson.
A.5. Tennyson's plays are three historical plays-- Queen Mary, Harold and Becket.
      *The Falcon is a comedy based on a story from Boccaccio; The Cup is based on a story from Plutarch.
Q.6. Name the first poem of Browning and mention its date of publication. What was the next work?
A.6. Pauline (1833).
        Next work was a play Strafford.
Q.7. Name some plays of Browning.
A.7. Pippa Passes, A Blot on the Scutcheon, ASoul's Tragedy.
Q.8. Who was the wife of Robert Browning? In which poem, she expressed her love for her husband? Mention any two of her other poems.
A.8. Elizabeth Barret Browning.
        She expressed her ardent love for her husband in her Sonnets from the Portuguese.
        Other poems-- Aurora Leigh, The Cry of the Children, A Musical Instrument.
Q.9. Who was Christina Rossetti's brother? To which movement they were linked? Mention the greatest work of the brother and the principal works of the sister?
A.9. D.G. Rossetti.
        Pre-Raphaelite Movement.
        D.G. Rossetti's greatest work was the poem, The Blessed Damozel. C.G. Rossetti's poems include Goblin Market and other poems, The Princes's Progress.
Q.10. Who wrote 'Atlanta in Calydon'? Mention the date of its publication? What type of work is it?
A.10. Swinburne in 1865.
          The work is an attempt at an English version of ancient Greek tragedy.
Q.11. Who wrote ' Sketches by Boz'? What is Boz? What is the writer's next work?
A.11. Charles Dickens.
          Boz is the pen name of Dickens.
          Dickens' next work is The Pickwick Papers.
Q.12. Who wrote the 'Book of Snobs'? What is his chief work?
A.12. William Makepeace Thackeray.
           His chief work is the novel, Vanity Fair.
Q.13. Name the three sisters who wrote novels in the Victorian period. Name their chief works.
A.13. Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte.
          Charlotte Bronte-- Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette; Emily Bronte-- Wuthering Heights; Anne Bronte-- Agnes Grey, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
Q.14. What is the real name of George Elliot? What did she write?
A.14. Mary Ann Evans wrote under the pen name of George Elliot.
          Her novels include Adam Bede, The Mill on the Floss, Silas Marner, Middlemarch, Daniel Deronda.
Q.15. Mention chief novels of George Meredith.
A.15. The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, Evan Harrington, Adventures of Harry Richmond.
Q.16. Mention two historical novels of Victorian age.
A.16. Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, George Elliot's Romola.
Q.17. Name two novels of Anthony Trollope.
A.17. The Warden, Barchester Towers.
Q.18. Who wrote ' The Woman in White'? What are his other works?
A.18. Wilkie Collins.
          His other works include The Dead Secret, No Name. The Moonstone is one of the earliest and the best of the detective stories which are now popular in modern age.
Q.19. Who wrote Sartor Resartus? What is the meaning of the title?
A.19. Thomas Carlyle.
           It means 'the tailor untailored' which deals with 'clothes philosophy'- language is the clothing of thought, body is the clothing of the soul, the entire universe is the living garment of God.
Q.20. In which year was the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood formed? Name four members of this group.
A.20. 1848.
           It was movement of painters D.G. Rossetti, Holman hunt, John Millais and Burn Jones were members of this group.
Q.21. What is known as Pre-Raphaelitism in poetry?
A.21. Pre-Raphaelitism in art means purity and simplicity that characterised the art before Raphael. In poetry, it means simplicity, sensuousness and mysticism as exemplified in Rossetti's poem, The Blessed Damozel.
Q.22. Name the literary movement of which Oscar Wilde was a representative. Give the title of an Oscar Wilde's play.
A.22. Oscar Wilde was a representative of the literary movement called the Decadent Movement. One of his popular plays is 'Importance of Being Earnest'.
Q.23. What was the title of D.G. Rossetti's Journal? How long did it continue?
A.23. In 1850 Rossetti and some of his colleagues initiated a little periodical, The Germ as a medium of the promulgation of their doctrines and vehicle for their poems. But it died after four numbers.
Q.24. Who wrote In Memoriam? On what occasion was it written?
A.24. In Memoriam was written by Alfred Tennyson, the Victorian poet. It was written on the occasion of the death of his friend Aurther Henry Hallam.
Q.25. Mention the titles of two dramatic monologues by Robert Browning.
A.25. 'My Last Duchess' and 'Two in the Roman Compagna' are two dramatic monologues of Browning.
Q.26. Who is the author of 'The Scholar Gipsy'? Mention the title of another poem by the same poet.
A.26. 'The Scholar Gipsy' was written by Mathew Arnold, The Victorian poem. His other poem is 'The Dover Beach'.
Q.27. Who wrote Sonnets from the Portuguese? Name another book of poems by the same author.
A.27. Elizabeth Barrett Browning in 1847. Other poems-- Aurora Leigh(written in blank verse), The Cry of the Children.'
Q.28. Who translated the poems of Omar Khayyam in 1859? What is the title of the book of translations?
A.28. Edward Fitzgerald. Name of the translations-- Rubaiyat.


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      Malapropism is that type of solecism (the conspicuous and unintended violation of standard diction or grammar) which mistakenly uses ...